The 3rd and last International BaltCICA Conference takes place 18th and 19th January 2012, in Helsinki, Finland
The 3rd International BaltCICA Conference sets the spotlight on applied climate change adaptation. The Baltic Sea Region is expected to face changes in precipitation and flood patterns as well as rising sea levels. As coastal urban areas continue to grow, tourism is an important and growing economical factor, and nature and natural resources are to be protected, this leads to new challenges: How to safeguard drinking water availability and quality? How to manage riverine and coastal floods? How to design new urban areas and how to retrofit existing ones?
At the conference cities and regions present their solutions and approaches for these challenges. The programme covers topics, such as applying scientific results, assessment of adaptation methods, participatory approaches for adaptation and benefits of transnational cooperation. A special focus is given to adaptation in Finland and the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, as well as highlights from Germany, Denmark, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Sweden.
The conference is the closing event of the BaltCICA project. The BaltCICA Project has been part-financed by the EU Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007 - 2013. The partnership comprises 24 partners including municipalities, regional authorities and research institutes. The project duration has been from February 2009 to January 2012.
For more information, programme and registration visit: BaltCICA website