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Projects and activities

In the first period 2017-2018, the thematic group aims to run three projects:


During the first two years of the programme (2017-2018), the group is planning to conduct various activities within the prioritised projects. An important goal is to engage with relevant stakeholders and target groups early in the projects. Gender equality, environmental aspects and the inclusion and participation of young people and immigrants will also be considered. The list of activities is provisional:

  • To define economic and social resilience in the Nordic context;
  • To establish methodological tools through which to measure regional resilience;
  • To conduct pilot case studies in order to test the theoretical and methodological tools;
  • To conduct a comparative study of how Nordic regions work with smart specialisation strategies;
  • To collect and study experiences and promising practices from the Nordic regions regarding the use of digitalisation as a tool for green and sustainable Nordic regional development, both in urban and rural regions, as well as to identify factors that hamper the uptake of digitalisation in Nordic regions and to propose measures for overcoming these challenges.


In the second period 2019-2020, the major findings of different projects will be disseminated via publications, events and networks of researchers, politicians and other groups of interest.  

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