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In depth-study on industrial symbiosis

- Regional policy for green growth - the potential of Industrial Symbiosis as a key driver in Nordric regions

Part of the purpose of the work in the Nordic working group on green growth – innovation & entrepreneurship is to explore “good practice” case studies of national, regional and local governance to support innovation and entrepreneurship for green growth.

The aim of this study is to investigate the role of industrial symbiosis (IS) as a driver for growth in different Nordic regions: To what extent and how can industrial symbiosis contribute to growth in Nordic regions? The project will specifically focus on identifying the key drivers and impeding factors for developing IS, key actors involved, as well as the regions’ characteristics, policies, and institutional arrangements. The study will provide empirical insight from a broad spectrum of cases that will help shed light on disparities and similarities between Nordic regions and countries.

The results from the in-depth study on industrial symbiosis will contribute to knowledge on how industrial symbiosis is implemented in different sectors and regions in the Nordic countries. The insight will contribute to the overall ambition of the working group to identify “good practice” cases of regional (and local) governance in the Nordic countries to support innovation and entrepreneurship for green growth. The insight will feed into the policy debate and contribute to public policy development to support innovation and entrepreneurship for green growth at regional level in the Nordic countries.

Project participants:
Ingrid Johnsen is the project manager. In addition, the project team includes Jukka Teräs, Gunnar Lindberg, Anna Berlina and Nelli Mikkola.