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Population ageing will affect all European regions in the next decades but with large regional variation

The objective of the DEMIFER project is

  1. to assess the effects of demographic trends and migratory flows on European regions and cities and
  2. to examine the implications for regional competitiveness and European cohesion.

The focus will be on the size and structure of the labour force and the project will examine the diversity across European regions by means of developing a typology of regions based on demographic, socio-economic and environmental characteristics. Since climate change will affect regions in different ways, special attention will be given to the impact of climate change on migration flows.

The project will develop alternative scenarios for European regions (NUTS 2 level) based on assumptions on future developments in fertility, mortality, internal migration, international migration, and labour force participation. Policy options will be analysed which may affect future internal migration, international migration, natural population development and labour force participation.

Scenarios will be developed to show the impacts of the EU cohesion policy and climate change.

Case studies will provide in depth analyses for specific types of regions. Since it is of outmost importance to involve stakeholders as early as possible, dissemination activities are aimed at a lively dialogue with stakeholders throughout the whole duration of the project.