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Pipsa Salolammi

Currently on maternity leave

Creating linkages between science and people by showcasing our results and our researchers is my main task. Easy access and understandable format is my motto. Visual packaging through design and modern communication technologies are my tools.

Pipsa works as a Senior Communications Adviser at Nordregio but is currently on maternity leave.

Main projects include State of the Nordic Region 2016Nordregio Forum 2015, Nordregio Forum 2016 and Editor of Nordregio News magazine,

Academic qualifications

MSc in Forest products marketing, University of Helsinki, Finland 
Visual journalism program 2009-2010 at the Faculty of Arts, Finland  


  • Finnish
  • English
  • French
  • Swedish

Prior positions

Communication specialist at the Finnish Village Action Association, running an organisational magazine Rural+ (Maaseutuplus) 6 times a year, cooperation projects with the Rural Policy Committee at the Ministry of Economy and Employment as well as Rural Development program 2014-2020 at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

Head of communication at the Finnish Rural Development program 2007-2013 at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. 

Communications Officer at the University of Helsinki, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry.

Editor and Digital Editor at the Fine Magazines.