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Publications by Peter Schmitt

Schmitt, P. and Van Well, L. (eds) (2016) Territorial Governance across Europe: Pathways, Practices and Prospects. Routledge: London and New York. 278 pages

Van Well, L. and Schmitt, P. (2016) Territorial governance across Europe – Setting the stage, in: Schmitt, P. and Van Well, L. (eds) Territorial Governance across Europe: Pathways, Practices and Prospects. Routledge: London and New York, pp. 3-20.

Schmitt, P. and Van Well, L. (2016) Territorial governance at play. Methodological introduction to the case studies, in: Schmitt, P. and Van Well, L. (eds) Territorial Governance across Europe: Pathways, Practices and Prospects. Routledge: London and New York, pp. 63-66.

Reardon, M. and Schmitt, P. (2016) Planning for resource efficiency in Stockholm. ‘Good’ territorial governance practices without consistency, in: Schmitt, P. and Van Well, L. (eds) Territorial Governance across Europe: Pathways, Practices and Prospects. Routledge: London and New York, pp. 95-110.

Schmitt, P. and Van Well, L. (2016) Revisiting Territorial Governance: Twenty Empirically Informed Components, in: Schmitt, P. and Van Well, L. (eds) Territorial Governance across Europe: Pathways, Practices and Prospects. Routledge: London and New York, pp. 221-237.

Van Well, L., Davoudi, S., Janin Rivolin, U., Pálné Kovács, I. and Schmitt, P. (2016) Towards Future Territorial Governance, in: Schmitt, P. and Van Well, L. (eds) Territorial Governance across Europe: Pathways, Practices and Prospects. Routledge: London and New York, pp. 254-267.

Schmitt, P., Volgmann, K., Münter, A. & Reardon, M. (2015). Unpacking polycentricity at the city-regional scale: Insights from Dusseldorf and Stockholm. European Journal of Spatial Development, 59. Available from:

Van Well, L./Schmitt, P. (2015) Understanding territorial gorvernance: conceptual and practical implications. Europa regional 21(4), pp. 209 - 221.

Van Well, L./Schmitt, P. (2014) Deconstructing and reconstructing territorial governance: findings from ESPON TANGO cases studies. In ESPON 2013 (2014): Second ESPON 2013 Scientific report: Science in support of European Territorial Development and Cohesion. Luxembourg, pp. 50-54.

Schmitt, P. (2015) Sweden, in: disP - The Planning Review, 51(1), pp. 71 - 72.

Schmitt, P./Rickegård, A. (2015) En gigantisk utmaning – strukturell förändring och stadsomvandling i Ruhrområdet [A gigantic challenge – structural and urban change in the Ruhr]. PLAN 1/2015, 30–35.

Smas, L./Schmitt, P. (2015) Brave new ‘mega-regional worlds’? Critical reflections from a North European perspective, in: Hoyler, M./Harrison, J. (eds.) Megaregions: Globalization’s New Urban Form? Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, pp. 146-174.

Smas, L./Schmitt, P. (2014) Making ESPON knowledge more tangible for detecting regional potentials and challenges: five territorial approaches, in: Europa XXI, 25, pp. 37–49.

Schmitt, P. (2013) 欧盟的中小城镇发展策略 [The European Union's strategies for small and medium-sized cities and towns], in: Urban Planning International, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 3-9.

Schmitt, Peter (2013) Book Review: Kauffmann, Albrecht; Rosenfeld, Martin T.W. (Eds.) (2012): Städte und Regionen im Standortwettbewerb. Neue Tendenzen, Auswirkungen und Folgerungen für die Politik [Cities and Regions in territorial competition. New trends, impacts and consequences for policy], in: Raumforschung und Raumordnung, Vol 71, No. 5, pp. 443–445.

Schmitt, P./Smas, L. (2013) Transnational co-production of territorial knowledge: The ESPON experience, in: Nordregio News, 4/2013, pp. 3-7.

Schmitt, P. (2013) Metropolen und Stadtregionen in Europa [Metropoles and City-Regions in Europe], in: Kummer. K./ Frankenberger, J./Kötter, T. (eds.) Das deutsche Vermessungs- und Geoinformationswesen 2014, Wichmann: Berlin, pp. 124-153.

Schmitt, P. (2013) Planning for Polycentricty in European Metropolitan Areas – Challenges, Expectations and Practices, in: Planning, Practice and Research, DOI: 10.1080/02697459.2013.780570 (published online: 26 Mar 2013)

Schmitt, P. (2013) Managing urban change in five European urban agglomerations: Key policy documents and institutional frameworks, in: Eraydin, A./Tasan-Kok, T. (eds.) Resilient Thinking in Urban Planning, Springer: Berlin, New York, pp. 109-130.

Schmitt, P./Greve Harbo, L./Tepecik Diş, A./Henriksson, A. (2013) Urban Resilience and Polycentricity – the Case of the Stockholm Urban Agglomeration, in: Eraydin, A./Tasan-Kok, T. (eds.) Resilient Thinking in Urban Planning, Springer: Berlin, New York, pp. 197-209.

Schmitt, P./Smas, L. (2012) Multi-scalar 'intercity connectivities' from a Northern European perspective, in: GAWC Research Bulletin 411.

Schmitt, P./Reardon, M. (2012) Stockholm, in: Anderson, R./Kotzé, L./Morse, S. (eds.) Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability Volume 9: Afro-Eurasia: Assessing Sustainability, Berkshire Publishing: Great Barrington, MA, pp. 297-302.

Schmitt, P./van Well, L. (2012) 'Territoriale Governance' – Zwischenbilanz eines laufenden ESPON Projekts [Territorial Governance - Interim results of an ongoing ESPON-project] , in: RaumPlanung, 165/6-2012, pp. 25-29.

Metzger J/Schmitt P (2012) When soft spaces harden: the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, in: Environment and Planning A 44(2) 263 – 280.

Schmitt, P. (2012) Regional Planning, in: Fogel, D./Fredericks, S./Butler Harrington, L.M. (eds.) Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability Volume 6: Measurements, Indicators, and Research Methods for Sustainability, Berkshire Publishing: Great Barrington, MA, pp. 296-299.

Schmitt, P./Smas, L. (2012) Nordic 'intercity connectivities' in a multi-scalar perspective, Nordregio Working Paper 2012:7, Stockholm, 91 p.

Galera Lindblom, P./Weber, R./Reardon, M./Schmitt, P. (2011) Planning for resource efficient cities. Application of the Metabolic Impact Assessment tool in Stockholm and Newcastle, Nordregio Working Paper 2011:8, Stockholm, 87p.

Schmitt, P. (2011) Editorial: The Quest for More Sustainability in Urban Planning, in: Nordregio News Publication, 2/2011, pp 1-2.

Schmitt, P. (2011) The Territorial Agenda of the European Union 2020 – A turning point in striving for Territorial Cohesion?, in: Nordregio News Publication, 1/2011, pp 3-8.

Schmitt, P./Greve Harbo, L./Lehto, V. (2011) An actor‐oriented survey of territorial governance systems in the Nordic capital regions, Nordregio Working Paper 2011:6, Stockholm, 76p.

Schmitt, P. & Dubois, A. (2011): How the VASAB Long Term Perspective can contribute to territorial cohesion, in: Zaucha, J. (ed.) Territorial Cohesion ‐ Baltic Sea Region examples, Baltic contribution to the revised Territorial Agenda of the European Union, pp. 19‐21.

Schmitt, P./Hede H. (2010) Polycentricity and metropolitan planning, in: Journal of Nordregio, No. 3, pp. 24-27.

Schmitt, P. (ed.) (2010) Intra-metropolitan polycentricity in practice - Reflections, challenges and conclusions from 12 European metropolitan areas. Final report of the METREX - Expert Group on Intra-Metropolitan Polycentricity. 101p.

Schmitt, P. (2010) Contested views of the Baltic Sea Region, in: Journal of Nordregio, No. 1, pp. 16-17.

Lange, S./Kahila, P./Schmitt, P. (2010): Developing Quality of life and urban rural partnerships in the Baltic Sea Region. IN: news bridge - NEW BRIDGES project newsletter 1/2010, pp. 2-3.

Schmitt, P. (2009), Book review: Giovanni Maciocco (ed.): The territorial futureof the city, series: urban and landscape perspectives, vol. 3 Springer, 2008, 165 p., in: Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, pp. 491-493

Dubois, A./Hedin, S./Schmitt, P./Sterling, J. (2009) EU macro-regions and macro-regional strategies – A scoping study, Nordregio Electronic Working Paper 2009:4, 43 pp.

Schmitt, P./Neubauer, J. (2009) Städte und Metropolregionen des Ostseeraumes – Strukturen, Tendenzen, Potenziale und künftige Herausforderungen [Cities and Metropolitan areas in the Baltic Sea – structures, tendencies and future challenges], in: Informationen zur Ramentwicklung, No. 8/9, pp. 529-537.

Hukkinen, J./Hansen, K.-G./Langlais, R./Rasmussen, O./Jeppson, S./Levänen, J./Lund Sørensen, F./Schmitt, P./Lange,S. (eds) (2009) Knowledge-based tools for sustainable governance of energy and climate adaptation in the Nordic periphery. Nordic Research Programme 2005-2008. Report 7, Stockholm, 136 pp

Schmitt, P./Lange, S./Langlais, R. (2009) The proposed ALCOA aluminium smelter in Greenland: A case study report, in: Hukinen et. Al. (eds), Knowledge-based tools for sustainable governance of energy and climate adaptation in the Nordic periphery. Nordic Research Programme 2005-2008. Report 7, Stockholm, pp. 85-103.

Schmitt, P./Roto, J. (2009): Metropolitan areas as drivers of spatial integration in the Baltic Sea Region?, in Journal of Nordregio, No. 1, 2009, pp. 12-15.

Schmitt, P. (2009): Raumpolitische Diskurse um Metropolregionen in Deutschland - Positionen, Kontroversen, Perspektiven [Spatial Policy Discourses on Metropolitan Regions in Germany – positions, controversies, perspectives], in: Knieling, J./Matern, A. (eds.) Metropolregionen – Innovation, Wettbewerb, Handlungsfähigkeit [Metropolitan Regions – Innovation, Competition, Capacity to Act]. German Academy for Spatial Research, Hanover. pp. 60-100.

Neubauer, J./Schmitt, P. (2009): Alarming urban disparities in the Baltic Sea Region, in Journal of Nordregio, No. 1, 2009, pp. 6-8.

Schmitt, P./Dubois, A. (2008): Exploring the Baltic Sea Region – On territorial capital and spatial integration. Nordregio Report 2008:3, Stockholm, 138 p.

Together with several Nordregio colleagues (2008): Nordic inputs to the EU Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion. Nordregio Working Paper 2008:4

Schmitt, P. (2008): Metropolitan regions as drivers of spatial integration. NW Russia's potentials in relation to the rest of the Baltic Sea Region. In: Immanuel Kant State University of Russia (eds.): East-West Window. North-West Russian integration into the Baltic Sea region: Problems and Perspectives. Kaliningrad, pp. 23-47. (only in Russian)

Schmitt, P. (2008): Towards an understanding of city-regions. In: Journal of Nordregio, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 24-25.

Dubois, A./Schmitt, P./Steinecke J. M. (2007): Öresundsregionen – Möjligheter och perspektiv i en transnationell storstadsregion [The Öresundregion – possibilities and perspectives for a transnational conurbation]. Report for the INTERREG IIIA project: ÖRIB II: Infrastructure and urban development in the Öresundregion.

Schmitt, P. (2007): Raumpolitische Diskurse um Metropolregionen. Eine Spurensuche im Verdichtungsraum Rhein-Ruhr [Spatial policy discourses on Metropolitan Regions. A search for evidence in the conurbation Rhine-Ruhr]. Rohn-Verlag, Dortmund, 220 p. [PhD-publication]

Gløersen, E./Dubois, A./Schmitt, P. (2007) Medium-Sized Towns in a context of globalisation and metropolisation: Grounds for pro-active policies in the South Baltic. Report for the Baltic Sea Region INTERREG IIIB-project: 'SEBco' - City-hinterland cooperation as motor for regional development in the South Eastern Baltic.

Together with several Nordregio and NIBR colleagues (2007): Urban development. Nordic strengths and challenges under the heading of a new global agenda. NORDFORSK POLICY BRIEFS 3, Copenhagen. 90p.

Münter, A./Schmitt, P. (2007): Landesraumordnungspläne in Deutschland im Vergleich. Vergleichende Analyse der Pläne und Programme von 12 Bundesländern ohne NRW [State Development Plans in Germany – a comparison of 12 Federal States]. In: Institut für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung und Bauwesen des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (ILS NRW) (ed.). Dortmund, 138p.

Together with several Nordregio colleagues (2006): Polycentrisk stadsutveckling ur ett europeiskt och nordiskt perspektiv. [Polycentric urban development in a European and Nordic perspective], Nordregio Working Paper 2006:5. Stockholm.

Schmitt, P./Knapp, W. (2006): RheinRuhr als polyzentrischer Raum der Orte im Raum der Ströme [RhineRuhr as a polycentric 'space of places' in a 'space of flows'], in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, No. 3/4, pp. 217-231.

Blotevogel, H.H./Schmitt, P. (2006): 'European metropolitan regions' as a new discursive frame in strategic spatial planning and policies in Germany, in: Die Erde, Vol. 137, No. 1/2, pp. 55-74.

Knapp, W./Scherhag, D./Schmitt, P. (2006): RheinRuhr: Polycentricity at its best? in: Hall, P./K. Pain (eds.): The Polycentric Metropolis. Earthscan: London. pp. 231-245.

Schmitt, P. (2006): Raumdiskurs und Governance – die schwierige »Metropolisierung« des Verdichtungsraums Rhein-Ruhr [Spatial Discourse and Governance – the tricky metropolisation of the Rhine-Ruhr conurbation], in: Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde, Vol. 80, No l, pp. 47-64.

Knapp, W./Schmitt, P./Danielzyk, R. (2006): RhineRuhr: Towards Compatibility? Strategic Spatial Policies for a Specific Configuration of Polycentricity, in: Built Environment, Special Issue: Mega-City-Regions in Europe, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 137-147. (also in Chinese in: Urban Planning International 2008, Vol. 1, pp. 46-51)

Schmitt, P. (2006): Agglomerationsräume als polyzentrisch organisierte Netzwerkregionen – Folgerungen für die Planungspolitik [Urban agglomerations as polycentric network regions – conclusions for planning and policy], in: Hangebruch, N.; et al. (Eds.): Agglomerationen – Situation und Perspektiven, Arbeitsmaterial der ARL, No. 325, Hannover, pp. 51-57.

Blotevogel, H.H./Schmitt, P. (2005): The »European Metropolitan Region Rhine-Ruhr« in the context of the gradual paradigm shift in strategic spatial planning in Germany, in: Feldhoff, T./W. Flüchter (eds.): Proceedings of the Japanese-German Geographical Conference. No.1: Shaping the Future of Metropolitan Regions in Japan and Germany: Governance, Institutions and Place in New Context. Duisburg: Duisburg-Essen University, pp. 13-26.

Knapp, W./Kunzmann, K.R./Schmitt, P. (2004): A co-operative Spatial Future for RheinRuhr, in: European Planning Studies, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 323-349.

Knapp, W./Schmitt, P.(2003): Re-structuring Competitive Metropolitan Regions in North-west Europe: On Territory and Governance, in: European Journal of Spatial Development, Refereed Articles Oct 2003-no 6.

Schmitt, P./Knapp, W./Kunzmann, K.R. (2003): RhineRuhr, in: Romein, A./E. Meijers/B. Lambregts (eds.): Planning polycentric urban regions in North West Europe. Value, feasibility and design (= Housing and Urban Policy Studies 25). Delft, pp. 154-195.

Knapp, W./Schmitt, P. (2002): The socio-economic profile of RheinRuhr, in: Les Cahiers de l'Institute d'Aménagement et d'Urbanisme de la Région d'Ile-de-France (IAURIF): Economic Performance of the European Regions - GEMACA, No 135 - 4e quarter 2002, Paris, pp. 66-72. (also available in French )

Knapp, W./Schmitt, P. (2001): The RheinRuhr Area, in: Ipenburg, D./B. Lambregts (eds.): Polynuclear Urban Regions in North West Europe. A survey of key actor views. (= Housing and Urban Policy Studies 18), Delft, pp. 78-100.

Knapp, W./Kunzmann, K.R./Schmitt, P. (2001): Die Region Rhein-Ruhr : Einsichten in und Aussichten für eine "Metropolregion" der Zukunft [The Region RheinRuhr – Insights and prospects for a future metropolitan region]– Documentation of a Workshop, held on the 30th of November 2000. Dortmund.