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Kick-off in Riga - Centralbaltic Job Ferry

Impressive media coverage from the Centralbaltic Job Ferry kick-off meeting last week in Riga.

On the 29th and 30th of August 2011, the project Central Baltic Job Ferry was started. Petri Kahila, Johanna Roto and Stefanie Lange Scherbenske participated in the kick-off meeting at the University of Latvia in Riga. The project leader, University of Latvia, invited all project partners - Turku University of Applied Science (FI), Institute of Baltic Studies (EST) and Nordregio (SE) - to discuss upcoming tasks and events in the project. The meeting was well perceived by the local and Russian press.

The project will focus on cross-border cooperation of labour and labour markets in the Central Baltic region. Nordregio is going to lead Work Package 3 in which relevant information such as job profiles will be collected and cross-border labour markets analysed. The project is part-financed by the Central Baltic INTERREG IV A Programme 2007-2013 and will last two years.

Read more about Centralbaltic Job Ferry

View the press release from the University of Latvia.

Media coverage
Informēs par pārrobežu darba tirgus mobilitātes problēmām Latvijā, BNS
Starptautiska projekta „Centrālbaltijas darba prāmis" ietvaros meklē risinājumus darba tirgus mobilitātes problēmām Igaunijā, Somijā un Zviedrijā, BNS
Veicinās darbaspēka apmaiĦu Centrālbaltijas reăionā, LETA