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European Territorial Governance

An article previously published in the journal Planning Practice & Research, written by Nordregio's Alexandre Dubois together with former Nordregio colleagues Erik Gløersen and Kaisa Lähteenmäki-Smith, has been included in a newly published book compiling major contributions dealing with European Territorial Governance.

The 1990s ended with the birth of the concept of European spatial planning, which became a unique catalyst of change in Europe and in EU member states and regions.

This book examines both the evolution of territorial governance at a European and transnational level and how this new type of governance affects planning at the local and regional level. It not only brings together a number of papers written by academic scholars but also several reflective contributions by practitioners. As such, this book seeks to contribute to various theoretical and empirical discussions: the institutionalization of European policy and integration; the Europeanisation of policy and planning; multi-level and multi-actor policy making; the contested nature of the knowledge base of European territorial governance and the role of visualization in politics and planning.

Erik, Kaisa and Alexandre's contribution is the chapter titled:
Polycentricity in transnational planning initiatives: ESDP applied or ESDP reinvented?

Zonneveld, W., de Vries, J. & Janssen-Jansen, L. (Eds) European Territorial Governance, Housing and Urban Policy Studies, Volume35, Delft University Press