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Long-term planning for inclusive cities in the Nordic region

The aim of the project is to increase knowledge concerning different ways that small and medium-sized Nordic cities seek to overcome barriers for social inclusion in their strategic work and in various projects concerning urban development.

Socio-economic inequality and other types of disparities are questions of increased concern in many Nordic cities. Inequalities are often discussed in relation to labor market restructuring, welfare provision, immigration and integration, and, in the urban context, particularly in relation to segregation and housing. Although the debate concerning urban inequalities has primarily been focused on larger urban regions, cities of smaller sizes also face similar types of challenges.

This project will examine how different small and medium-sized cities in the Nordic region work to overcome barriers for social inclusion, improve the terms on which individuals and groups take part in society, and to counteract the negative effects of inequality. Cities of this category are in many ways heterogenous and they are confronted with different types of challenges. The project will thereby focus on different thematic and geographical case study areas and investigate strategies for inclusion from different perspectives. The project will be carried out as three sub-projects that are mutually interlinked, and the purpose is to expand the knowledge base on long-term strategies for inclusive cities and planning processes, and particularly to shed light on how small and medium-sized Nordic cities approach this topic in their strategic work and in various urban development projects.


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