Urban Planning and Climate Change Adaptation in the Nordic Countries, paper presentation at the Vulnerabilities, Risks and Mitigation Planning Session, AESOP 26th, Annual Congress, Ankara, 11 July 2012
Addressing climate change adaptation at the Nordic level? Presentation at the Seventh IASSA (International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences). June 2011, Akureyri, Iceland
Climate change strategies for rural areas in European Countries: National Adaptation Strategies. Presentation at the conference Challenges of European Spatial Development: Young Professional's and Researchers' Perspectives. October 2010, Mannheim, Germany.
Samhällsplanering för jämställd trygghet - Fallstudier från Finland, Österrike, Storbritannine och Baltikum. Presentation at the conference Trygga och Jämställda städer. Conference organised by Boverket and SKL (Sveriges Kommuner och landsting). December 2010, Stockholm, Sweden
Lecture titled "Planning for climate change" as part of the sustainable development course. Guest Lecturer at Blekinge Institute of Technology, European Spatial Planning and Regional Development Department, December 2010, Karlskrona, Sweden
Planning for climate change. Guest Lecturer at Blekinge Institute of Technology, December 2009, Karlskrona