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Publications by Gunnar Lindberg

Hasund, K P. Jonasson, L., Lindberg, G. och Widell, L. (2014). Vilka sysselsättnings-, miljö- och samhällsekonomiska effekter har jordbruksstöden? Jordbruksverket Rapport 2014:20

Hess, S., Surry, Y., Kron, R., Liljenstolpe, C., Lindberg, G. and Andersson, H. (2014). A hedonic analysis of the price for horse riding lessons in Sweden. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. Vol. 7-8, pp. 65-74.

Teräs, J., Lindberg, G, Johnsen, I H G., Perjo, L. and Giacometti, A. (2014). Bioeconomy in the Nordic region: Regional case studies. Nordregio Working Paper 2014:4.

Sweco, Nordregio och Hushållningssälskapet. (2014). Förhandsutvärdering av Svenska landsbygdsprogrammet 2014-2020. Rapport till Landsbygdsdepartementet.

Lindberg, G. and Lindström, B. (2014). Utvärderarnas årsrapport 2013. Ålands landsbygdsutvecklingsprogram för perioden 2007-2013. ÅSUB Rapport 2014:3.

ESPON BSR TeMo Project. (2014). Final Report. ESPON BSR-TeMo. Territorial Monitoring for the Baltic Sea Region. ESPON CU.

Lindqvist, M., Lindberg, G., and Perjo, L. (2013). Utvärderarnas rapport 2012 Landsbygdsutvecklingsprogram för landskapet Åland perioden 2007 – 2013. ÅSUB Rapport 2013:2.

Lindberg, G., Copus, A., Hedström, M and Perjo, L. (2012) CAP Rural Development Policy in the Nordic Countries: What can we learn about implementation and coherence? Nordregio Working Paper 2012:6.

Lindberg, G., Midmore, P. and Surry, Y (2012) Agriculture's Inter-industry Linkages, Aggregation Bias and Rural Policy Reforms. Journal of Agricultural Economics. Volume 63, Issue 3, pp. 552–575, 2012.

Granvik, M., Lindberg, G., Stigzelius, K-A., Fahlbeck, E and Surry, Y (2012) Prospects of multifunctional agriculture as a facilitator of sustainable rural development: Swedish experience of pillar two of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography, Volume 66, Issue 3, 2012, Olso.

Lindberg, G (2012). Jordbrukets betydelse i samhällsekonomin - kalkyler avseende 2008. Regional input-output analys med disaggregerade beräkningar för svenska län. Nordregio Working Paper 2012:4.

Lindberg G (2011). Linkages: Economic Analysis of Agriculture in the Wider Economy - Input- Output Models and Qualitative Evaluation of the Common Agricultural Policy. Doctoral diss. Dept. of Economics, SLU. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2011:6.

Lindberg G & Fahlbeck E (2010). New forms of local collective governance linked to the agricultural landscape: Identifying the scope and possibilities for hybrid institutions. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology. Vol. 9 (1/2): 31-47.

Lindberg G & Hansson H (2009). Economic impacts of agriculture in Sweden: A disaggregated input-output approach. Food Economics - Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section C 6: 119-133.

Lindberg G, Lindqvist K-A and Surry Y (2008) A Synthetic Report on the Effects of CAP Reform in the Swedish case study. CARERA project.

Fahlbeck, E. and Lindberg, G. (2007). Private initiatives for public goods in Swedish agriculture – potentials for collective action. Report for the SLU/SLI project: Strategic aliances for future business strategies in agriculture. Published by the Dep. of Economics, SLU.