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Presentations by Lise Smed Olsen

Promoting women's entrepreneurship: A public policy approach to limit out-migration from rural Iceland, conference presentation, Western Regional Science Association's Annual Meeting, Santa Barbara, 26 February 2013.

Triple helix collaboration: the case of University of Nordland and the tourism sector, conference presentation, Regional Studies Association European Conference, Delft, 15 May 2012.

Women's entrepreneurship in Nordic sparsely populated areas: the case of Iceland. Presented at The Seventh International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences, Akureyri, 25 June 2011.

'Territorial Knowledge Dynamics - an emerging territorial innovation perspective: changing the focus of public policy in European RDAs?' presentation at the international workshop 'Regional development agencies: the next generation. Networking, knowledge and regional change.' Volterra, Italy, 17 November 2010

'The influence of public policies on knowledge anchoring in European regions' presentation at the Regional Studies Association's annual conference in Pecs, 24 May 2010.