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Publications by Lukas Smas

Smas, L., & Schmitt, P. (2015). Brave new "megaregional worlds"? Reflections from a North European perspective. In J. Harrison & M. Hoyler (Eds.), Megaregions Globalization's New Urban Form? Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Hermelin, B., Dahlström, M., & Smas, L. (2014). Geographies of Knowledge and Learning: The Example of Medical Technology. Growth and Change, 45(3), 450–470. doi:10.1111/grow.12054

Smas, L., & Schmitt, P. (2014). Making ESPON knowledge more tangible for detecting regional potentials and challenges: five territorial approaches. Europa XXI, 25, 37–49. doi:

Smas, L. (2012). Hotels in the city and cities in the hotel: Production of consumption and urban life. In L. Smas (Ed.), Hotel spaces: Urban and economic geographical perspectives on hotels and hotel developments (Vol. 1/2012, pp. 73–80). Stockholm: Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University.

Smas, L. (Ed.). (2012). Hotel spaces: Urban and economical geographical perspectivies on hotels and hotel development. Stockholm: Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University.

Schmitt, P., & Smas, L. (2012). Multi-scalar 'Intercity Connectivities' from a Northern European Perspective. GaWC Research Bulletin, (411).

Smas, L., & Lindqvist, M. (2012). Regionala innovationer: en introduktion till begrepp, praktik och politik: Reglab.

Hermelin, B., & Smas, L. (2010b). Knowledge Dynamics in the Stockholm Region: A Study of KIBS, ICT and Medtech. Stockholm: Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University.

Hermelin, B., & Smas, L. (2010a). Knowledge Dynamics in the KIBS and Medtech Sectors in Stockholm. In M. Dahlström & S. Hedin (Eds.), Regional Trajectories to the Knowledge Economy: Nordic-European Comparisons. Oslo: Nordic Innovation Centre.

Smas, L. (2010b). De informella nätverkens återinträde i regionalpolitiken. In G. Forsberg & G. Lindgren (Eds.), Nätverk och skuggstrukturer i regionalpolitiken. Karlstad: Karlstad University Press.

Smas, L. (2010c). Review of Stockholm: The Making of a Metropolis by Thomas Hall with contribution by Martin Rörby, 2009. Planning Perspectives, 25(4), 541-543.

Smas, L. (2009). Consumption Through a City Quarter: Changes and Contnuities. In M. Legnér & D. Ponzini (Eds.), Cultural Quarters and Urban Transformation: International Perspectives. Klintehamn: Gotlandica förlag.

Smas, L. (2008a). Transaction Spaces: Consumption Configurations and City Formation (Vol. 18). Stockholm: Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis.

Smas, L. (2008b). Shopping: ett geografiskt projekt, Geografiska notiser (pp. 215-222).

Smas, L. (2005). Konsumtion, det urbana livet och stadens morfologi: transaktioner ur ett tidsrumsligt perspektiv. Stockholm: Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University.