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Mobility on the segregated labour market?

The aim of this project is to map and analyze the labour market mobility in the health care sector through applying a gender and ethnicity perspective.

Aims and objectives

The health care sector is an important arena for groups with a weak position on the labour market in Sweden. This project aims at investigating if immigrant women take part in the entrepreneurial process that currently goes on within this sector. Analyses on the mobility between public and private sectors will be made from an entrepreneurial and a gender perspective. It particularly investigates entrepreneurship as a way to promote immigrant careers and integration on the labour market and its´ associated restrictions.

Impact and results

The project will increase the knowledge of employment possibilities for groups with weaker positions on the labour market, and also improve regional development. It highlights new aspects on immigrant women´s labour market and entrepreneurship, such as possibilities of self-improvement and the potential to innovatively develop the health care sector.

Implementation of Plan and Methodology

A combined analysis of quantitative and qualitative data will be done. The research material consists of a longitudinal database and an interview study with women from both private and public sectors.


Hedberg, Charlotta: Intersections of immigrant status and gender in the Swedish Entrepreneurial Landscape. (SULCIS Working Paper 2009:8)

Hedberg, Charlotta & Pettersson, Katarina: Rörlighet på den segregerade arbetsmarknaden Entreprenörskapets möjligheter och begränsningar I: VINNOVA Rapport 2010:02, "Rörlighet, pendling och regionförstoring för bättre kompetensförsörjning, sysselsättning och hållbar tillväxt - Resultatredovisningar från 15 FoU-projekt inom VINOVA s DYNAMO-program"

Pettersson, Katarina och Hedberg, Charlotta, 2013 forthcoming, Moving out of 'their places'? – Immigrant women care entrepreneurs in Sweden, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business

Korpi, Martin, Hedberg, Charlotta och Pettersson, Katarina, 2013, Immigrant Women and Entrepreneurship: A Study of the Health Care Sector in Sweden, 2002-2006, SULCIS Working Paper 2013:1,Stockholm: Stockholm University Linnaeus Center for Integration Studies

Hedberg, Charlotta and Pettersson, Katarina, 2012, Disadvantage, Ethnic Niching or Pursuit of a Vision? Motives of Immigrant Women Care Entrepreneurs in the Ageing Swedish Society, Journal of International Migration and Integration, Volume 13, Issue 4, s. 423-440