The aim of the project is to get a deeper understanding of which forms of collaboration, in the form of strategies, project cooperation etc, that exist between Nordic higher education institutions (HEIs) and their local and regional surroundings.
The project consists of four main parts and will explore different types of regions: metropolitan areas, 'regiopoles' and peripheral regions:
1) A survey involving representatives from Nordic HEIs as well as regional and national actors dealing with regional development, which aims to provide an overview of Nordic collaboration initiatives.
2) The survey forms the basis for the development of 1-3 case studies per Nordic country.
3) A quantitative analysis will clarify the significance of national investments in research and education in a long-term perspective, e.g. with regard to the number of graduates in the Nordic countries.
4) A pilot study will explore whether individual data in the respective Nordic countries is available to follow the geographical mobility and carrier choices of graduates.