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Cross-border cooperation and Nordic Value Added (CRONOR)

CRONOR provides policy-relevant input into the Nordic preparations for Territorial Cooperation 2014-2020 by analysing the proposing new thematic concentration and integration for Nordic added value.

In the new EU regulation from the EU commission a Common Strategic Framework (CSF) for the five funds within cohesion policy, agriculture and fishery policy has been proposed. This will mean that greater thematic concentration and integration between national programmes and the five funds will be required on national level.

The Territorial Cooperation programmes (Interreg programmes) are included in this. Thus the transnational and cross-border programmes will need to be coordinated both on national level between the territorial programmes and the national programmes and across national borders in relation to each of the  rogramming areas.

In the EU regulations 11 themes are listed and among these, 4 themes should be  elected for each programme.

Nordregio has been appointed by the EK-R to provide the Nordic countries with an analysis of the 9 territorial cooperation programmes covering Nordic regions. The analysis will include both general and territorially-specific aspects for the 9 current programme areas. A method for the selection of four themes will be developed to ensure that the selected themes will have have the strongest value-added in a cross-border perspective.

In addition to developing a method, the analysis will identify areas that need a more in-depthanalysis to prepare for the programming process.

The analysis will be presented in a report and a power point presentation.