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ESPON Territorial Diversity

The TeDi project purports to provide a better understanding of development processes and growth opportunities in territories outside the Pentagon that are defined as insular, mountainous, sparsely populated or peripheral.

More particularly, the analysis aims at highlighting how these territories may contribute to the achievement of overarching European objectives expressed in the Lisbon and Gothenburg strategies. By focusing on a representative sample of such regions, the project aims at drawing more general conclusions for territories subject to similar territorial specificities across Europe. The case study regions are:

  • The North Calotte (northernmost regions of Norway, Sweden and Finland)
  • North Iceland
  • Alba and Suceava counties (Romania)
  • Valais/Wallis and Jura counties in Switzerland
  • Marathasa valley and Tilliria coast in Cyprus
  • Malta and Gozo

The project is carried out by a consortium lead by Nordregio, which includes the University of Geneva, Panteion University in Athens, CEFIDEC Centre for Training and Education for Development in the Carpathians and Islands Consulting Services.

The project steering groups includes representatives from the concerned states, Euromontana, the Conference for Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) and the ESPON Coordination Unit.

Project coordinator: Erik Gløersen, Independent consultant, Paris


This project presentation does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the ESPON Monitoring Committee, which is not liable for any use that may be made of the information provided.