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Assessing the Impact of Rural Development Policies (RuDI)

The RuDI project addresses the question of how to best assess impacts of rural development policies on all levels and across the great diversity of Europe's rural areas. The comparative cross-national analysis will promote a better understanding of driving forces in rural policy design.

The research will also analyse the contribution of rural development programmes to EU priorities defined in the new rural development Regulation (EAFRD) and EU Strategic Guidelines.

The project is particularly timely, because its findings should feed directly into the planning of the next generation of rural development policies (the third Rural Development Programming Period for 2014 to 2020).

The positive and negative effects of rural development policies will be identified and described in a set of carefully selected and framed case studies that will facilitate a more integrated assessment. The comparative cross-national analysis of the case studies will promote a better understanding of driving forces in policy design. It will also provide a model conceptual and methodological framework for evaluating rural development policy.

The RuDI project will conclude with recommendations for a more appropriate rural development policy design, delivery, impact monitoring and assessment.

Nordregio's task in the project is to analyse the priorities in rural development policies, undertake rural development expenditure analysis and analyse contrasts between rural policy priorities and expenditure in EU member states, and to carry out case studies in Sweden, Finland and Denmark.

For further information and to download project reports see Rudi Europe