Åland is an archipelago located in the northern Baltic Sea enjoying political autonomy within the realm of the Finnish state. The unemployment rate has traditionally been significantly lower in Åland than in the rest of Finland. Currently figures indicate practically full employment. For women the unemployment rate is 1.9 percent, compared to 2.6 percent for men.
Ålands GDP per capita ranks among the highest in the Finnish regions, and surpasses the Finnish average by, approximately, one third. Even compared to the Nordic countries more generally, Åland has the highest GDP per capita, measured in purchasing power parity (PPP) euro. National income is about 25 percent higher than the Finnish average.
Åland obtains funding for its own EU programmes. That applies to the Objective 2 and Objective 3 programmes, the Rural Development programme, and the Structural Programme for the Fisheries Industry.
Åland consists of a main island surrounded by 6 500 smaller islands. Sixty five of these smaller islands are inhabited. Transport to and from the archipelago region within Åland depends on a network of car ferries.
Åland has 16 municipalities. Six of these are situated in the archipelago region and are not connected to the main island by road.
The population is 26 800. Large age groups are approaching retirement age and birth rates are declining. Some 40 percent of Åland's inhabitants live in Mariehamn, while a further 50 percent live in the countryside on the main island. The later is within commuting distance by car from Mariehamn.
Åland has good communications with its neighbours. There are daily ferry services to Stockholm, Turku, Helsinki, and Tallinn. In addition, daily flights to all of these cities except Tallinn also exist.

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