Kainuu hopes to become the major Nordic ski-and exercise resort. Photo: AKKE VIRTANEN
Since 1960, constant out-migration has generated a loss of 1 000 – 1 500 inhabitants per year. Currently the population is some 86 000.
In 2005, the total employed workforce was 30 469. The labour force participation rate is lower than the national average. Only the regional centre of Kajaani and the rural municipalities of Sotkamo and Vuolijoki have higher values than the regional average.
Unemployment is severe across the region and has stabilised at around 20 percent in recent years.
For jobs, the public sector is more important in Kainuu, than in Finland as a whole. Around 40 percent work in the public sector in Kainuu, compared to some 30 percent for Finland as a whole.
A regional network of roads ensures that contacts are maintained between the municipalities and villages of the region. Travel time by car from the north-eastern part of the region to the regional centre can be upwards of 2-3 hours. Kainuu is connected to the rest of Finland by air routes, railway, and road systems. Kajaani airport hosts 2-3 daily flights to Helsinki with a flying time of around 1 hour. Kainuu has a continental climate with short warm summers and 70-80 cm of snow during winter.

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