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Journal of Nordregio no 1, 2006

Insular Employment

Typical of many Nordic insular societies is their profound vulnerability to external forces. Almost without warning can a major source of income disappear overnight. In both Gotland (Sweden) and Bornholm (Denmark), such vulnerability was experienced first hand with the end of the cold war. Military bases were closed down and hundreds of jobs, both in the military and in the civilian ancillary sectors were lost. Similarly, in Ulstein (Norway) a rapid decline in the demand for new ships and naval equipment was equally damaging. The human cost of such events moreover pose difficult questions for the individuals concerned, perhaps the most important of which concerns whether to leave or remain.

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Insular choices
Insular employment
More self-employment
Migration: More out than in
Shift to knowledge
Fewer labour markets
Wave-riding initiatives are needed
Higher education
Start-up support
- Insularity has its advantages
Bornholm offers less education
The public sector
Culture potentials
Transport and communication are crucial
- Selling the silence of the islands
Film and regions in Nordic countries
–The OECD: a superficial view of Stockholm?
Norwegian white paper: "A Heart for all"
Assessment questioned
Latest unemployment figures for the Baltic Sea Region
Book Review
Book Review