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Journal of Nordregio no 3, 2010

New Nordic Regional Developments - Migration and Energy
A United Nordic Federation?

Until the global financial crash in 2008 economic developments in most of the world including the Nordic countries became increasingly dependent on innovation and knowledge-related growth. Measured in GDP per capita 80% of the Nordic regions were above the EU average. However, this trend was not maintained after 2008. It could therefore be argued that the time is now ripe for more regionally conceived and driven development strategies. This is one of the main issues in the Journal of Nordregio no. 3-2010. The issues relating to the current tendencies in Nordic migration, production and energy consumption are also addressed. The concept of a United Nordic Federation is discussed and there are reports from the finalisation of the project Regional Trajectories to the Knowledge Economy – Nordic European Comparisons.

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A United Nordic Federation?
Discernable shift in Nordic developments
Increasing importance of Nordic migration
40 years of population change in West Norden
Nordics top world energy consumption
REKENE in a nutshell
Stockholm invests in life Sciences
Styria, the Styrian Economy and SFG
Towards flexible structures
Polycentricity and metropolitan planning