How will the overall agricultural policy of the EU change in the budget-period 2007-2013?
An answer to this is provided below, in the form of a presentation provided by Directorate-General Agriculture and Rural Development:
"Since the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, Rural Development is playing an increasingly important role in helping rural areas to meet the economic, social and environmental challenges of the 21st century.Rural areas make up 90 percent of the territory of the enlarged EU and the new legal framework points more clearly to the direction of boosting growth and creating jobs in rural areas – in line with the Lisbon Strategy – and improving sustainability - in line with the Göteborg sustainability goals.
The future Rural Development policy 2007-2013 will focus on three areas in line with the three thematic axes laid down in the new rural development regulation: improving competitiveness for farming and forestry; environment and countryside; improving quality of life and diversification of the rural economy. A fourth axis called "Leader axis" based on experience with the Leader Community Initiatives introduces possibilities for locally based bottom-up approaches to rural development."
Out of the total allocation in 2007-2013 budget, 36 percent is earmarked Common agricultural Policy and 10 percent Rural Development and environment. The Rural Development part in itself is 77.7 billion Euros.
Click on picture to enlarge - Land use in the European Union. Note the limited areas for agriculture in Finland and Sweden.

Click on picture to enlarge - Land use in the European Union. Note the limited areas for agriculture in Finland and Sweden.