The purpose is to increase knowledge on how the KIBS-sector contributes to growth and increased attractiveness in the Stockholm area.
The project consists of two parts;
a) an attempt to define and understand the importance of the sector as a complement to previous studies e.g. Framsyn Mälardalen - Stockholm
b) an analysis of the long term development of KIBS-sector in Stockholm, compared to Malmö and Gothenburg, to better understand its ability to handle economic crises and use regional business support activities
The project is based on a combination of desk research, qualitative and quantitative methods. Statistical analysis are made by external consultants.
Early 2011 Nordregio was asked to produce and up-date the draft report. "Kunskapsintensiva tjänsteföretag i svenska storstadsregioner. Regionala utvecklingsstrategier och påverkan av den ekonomiska krisen", Regionplanekontoret i Stockholm (forthcoming)