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Planning for Gender Equal Safety in Urban Environments

The objective is to gain knowledge on how planning can contribute to safe urban environments from a gender perspective.

The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket) has commissioned Nordregio to perform a study with the objective to gain knowledge on how planning can contribute to safe urban environments from a gender perspective. Four cases are studied from Canada, United Kingdom, Finland and one of the Baltic States (still to be identified). Three of the cases were identified in a pre study carried out during winter 2007/2008 (Nordregio Electronic WP 2009:1).

From each of the cases we will identify and analyse methods, processes as well as innovative physical measures that have been implemented to increase urban safety from a gender perspective. Each case will be analysed within the countries planning context and gender equality framework.

Briefly, the method for performing the four case studies consists of: A description of the country's planning and gender equality context; reviewing relevant documents, literature and evaluations; performing in depth interviews with key persons; and finally making local observations.